
There are times some people shouldn't speak.

  "Further Evidence Of A Tipping Point In Islam"
I just read a really interesting post over at National Review Online written by Jim Geraghty.
His point is very valid (not saying I agree with everything, but I do agree with a lot of it!).
He also covers other posts on the subject of the state of the Islam 'uprising' and their view on free speech.
Here are a couple of quotes from the article:
-"...the limits of free expression cannot be set by the sensitivities of people who don't believe in it."
-"And these "moderates" are aided and abetted by Western "moderates" who publish pictures of the Virgin Mary covered with elephant dung, and celebrate the "Piss Christ" (a crucifix sitting in a jar of urine) as art deserving public subsidy, but are seized with a sudden religious sensitivity when the subject is Muhammad."
-"As Signor Frattini explained it to the Daily Telegraph, "The press will give the Muslim world the message: We are aware of the consequences of exercising the right of free expression. . . . We can and we are ready to self-regulate that right.""
-"Only extremist sects like the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia think any depiction of Mohammed is blasphemy. But this isn't reported much, because if it were, it would be clear the media's self censorship is motivated more by cowardice than by conviction. "
Best point to get from this: "This is not "sensitivity", this is fascism, a dictation of the terms of political and religious discourse, enforced with violence."
If there is no free-speech, there is no freedom. Duh!

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