As the debate grows over who is to blame for the massive problems resulting from the hurricane Katrina (I personally believe the 'blame-game' should not be going on right now!), it is becoming more clear to those who initially blamed President Bush that the state and local governments were actually responsible for handling the crisis.
When Governor Blanco was told she had to, by law, officially ask for the President to send troops, her response was "Nobody told me that I had to request that." Shouldn't it be a requirement for politicians to actually KNOW the law before coming into office? Duh!
Oh, and when they say they didn't know the levees would break (the levees are also the local and state governments responsibility), here is an article that clears it up: It has troubled me the number of 'vocal' people saying it was the federal governments fault that 1) the levees broke, 2) the evacuation before the storm was not handled properly and 3) the response was too slow.
People do forget that states have independent rights that keeps federal troops (active) to just come into a state and take over. I was happy to find several articles written by people who knew what they were talking about concerning this subject.
Here are the links: